Your site stats for 1/19/2004:
Your site “TIFFINBOX” received 2 new subscribers today.
It has 50 total subscribers and is ranked #250 on Bloglet.
Woooo-hooo! Thank you for making Tiffinbox part of your life. More than mere numbers, I know there are actual people behind those 50 email addresses. Your opinions and suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to comment on anything I post (below each post, you will see a link to COMMENT).
On the site, you have a button to TELL A FRIEND. Please help me spread the word about Tiffinbox. It would be great to create a community around Tiffinbox and connect each of you, from different walks of life pursuing different career and life paths.
The site grows and everybody benefits only if and when I hear back from you. If you know of desi photojournalists, artists, designers and writers who have web sites, please send me their URL's. I would, upon review, be happy to link to them. If you know of events that this audience would like to know more about, let me know.
So email me: tiffinbox{at}pipalproductions{dot}com. And, thank you once again!
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