So a month goes by without a blog post here and one would think that I would experience the blogging version of the DTs. But quite the contrary, work, personal stuff (see the post about my cousin and spread the word please!) have both meant juggling several balls in the air at the same time and well, blogging simply has had to take a back seat for some time.
Coming up (I swear it) will be a short exhibit of Aarti Sandhu's montages (at least that's what I am calling them). They are nothing short of stupendous and well, a bit quirky too.
Krishna M. Sadashivam and I have traded emails and he will be the first interviewee for the long heralded Tiffinbox 20/20, where I ask questions (some interesting, some banal) and receive answers that are, well, you'll see.
So, those two things are coming up the pipe shortly. So do keep coming back here to visit, to read, to learn something new or to comment. I love comments, so please do leave a comment or two.