Nikon has announced the D80, a 10.2 megapixel camera
JPG Magazine has a deal you should check out
A good read for photographers who once rolled their sleeves up and got into the thick of things in the darkroom: What's that smell?
Photograph Superman [via Melissa Lyttle]
“The most controversial tool in Photoshop that we use is the cloning tool.” – Reuters' Gary Hershorn, News Pictures Editor for North America, does some explaining about the recent debacle involving a Lebanese freelance photojournalist and Photoshop
PhotographyBLOG tips us off to an Annie Leibovitz retrospective at the Brooklyn Museum from October 20, 2006 through January 21, 2007. Gotta go! Gotta go!
Photographer Jill Greenberg is in a heap of trouble for swiping candy from kids and making them cry [all in the name of Art and a dose of reality, she says]
Jan Kabili of the unofficial photoshop weblog has an interesting post about High Dynamic Range photography and links to a recent New York Times article