Blueeyes Magazine launches issue 13
High Dynamic Range Photography
Adobe 2006 Design Achievement Award Winners
If you are at all interested in design, read this blog: UNBeige
Mark Kramer at the Nieman Narrative Conference says that registration for the ninth annual meetup is open. He also suggested that we check out Nieman Narrative Digest, a repository of links, video clips and other forms of inspiration for those interested in this genre of journalism. If you haven't been to the conference, you ought to check it out at least once.
Colin Hastings is “relaunching kijiji*Vision in the Autumn as a result of some significant and exciting developments which will create the first web site solely to promote the work of talented photographers from the developing world.”
Connected to kijiji*Vision is Majority World: “A unique collection representing the wealth of fresh imagery emerging from indigenous photographers from within the developing world and global South.”