Ok, sing along with me now. I am switching to digital. There I said it. A full blow confession in the middle of the night. Listen, it had to happen. I am tired of running to the lab to get images processed, scanned and then reprinted. Pain in the you-know-where. As I have hinted [ok, more than a hint] I am heading into a camera store near NYC to buy a Nikon D70s. There is virtually no difference between this model and its predecessor – the D70, yet I hanker for the newer version. Ok, ok, the LCD display on the back of the newer version is about 25% larger. And size does matter right?
Well, I have been reading about file formats and sizes and the discussions and differences between capturing images in RAW format or compressing them as JPGS. Ideally, one should be using RAW and only RAW. JPGS simply throw away too much information as it brings the file size down to something we can somewhat easily email. This NYTimes article hammered this notion home, though the author seems to have forgotten to mention that there are variations even among RAW producing cameras. And there might just be variations between cameras made by the same manufacturer. Quite the conundrum, eh? Any thoughts on how I should proceed?