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LexisNexis has launched a free online resource called LexisNexis U.S. Politics & World News, which provides updated news stories on the Bush administration, notable political figures, Iraq, and more from over 4,000 U.S. and International news sources. Special coverage on the Tsunami Disaster is currently featured on the site.
Dash of Ash
Via Sree Sreenivasan
Tonight on “60 Minutes” – the biggest TV newsmagazine in the U.S. – there will be a 12-minute story called “The world's most beautiful woman?” It's about Bollywood actress Aishwariya Rai. The show is at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
The country that gave the world the Kama Sutra, one of the oldest known sex manuals, isn't prudish, just not into public displays of intimacy, says Rai. “In our society, you don't really see people around the street corner kissing or being extremely or overtly physically demonstrative,” she says.
The segment was produced by SAJAer Neeraj Khemlani – another example of the growing influence of desi journalists at the very top of American journalism. More on Neeraj here.
Past Forward
2004 was a doosey. personally and globally. I am praying that 2005 will be a happy and prosperous one for all of us.
Look to some changes here at Tiffinbox. I look forward to hearing from all of you this year. If you come across photojournalists, artists and writers from South Asia, please forward me their name and web link. It is my hope that we can create a network of kindred souls right here.
Join us!
Image Consciousness
Via Richard Prince
A well timed debate over what we have seen over the last few days after the disaster is slowly brewing.
I for one have been appalled at how the Western media has treated this whole disaster. Good that it is being covered, but the first few days were, in my opinion, a white wash; Western media covering Western (tourists) victims. I was aching for a local angle. It's not as if Western media couldn't find Enlgish/French/German speakers or local interpreters. NPR had a few audio clips of local relief agency workers and the BBC may have been, as an exception, the only network to truly “localize” the big story of 2004.
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