Via Steve Outing (on, quick link: A69743)
New-media pundit and author J.D. Lasica and software pioneer Marc Canter have come up with what looks like an interesting and worthwhile endeavor: the Open Source Media Project, which they announced on Monday. The quick explanation: It's an open-source repository of digital media projects — especially video, but all sorts of multimedia content. The idea is that we're coming out of a media world where a few moneyed players produce nearly all the content content, and we've arrived in a world where new technologies allow anyone to produce digital stories. Open Source will provide a place to store, index, and distribute all that “citizen content.” Canter explains what they're doing this way: “Basically we're making sure to make it REAL easy for folks to utilize media in their everyday lives, school, and work.” Storage space (and a massive amount likely will be required) and bandwidth is being donated “forever” by Brewster Kahle of the Internet Archive.