Ever see those VW buses that had large maps of the US sketched on them? Some of the states were colored blue and others red. While it wasn't particularly clear to me what each color denoted, I came to understand and envy the occupants of that 60's relic for having seen a little more of the country than I had. Boy, the stories they could tell!
Well, twenty years later and a little better traveled than I was when I came to the US in 1983, I have notched up quite a roster of my own. Check out the map below. The states in RED indicate where these feet of mine have taken me so far. I have five more states to go!
The map was created using a tool developed by World66: The Travel Guide Your Write. You can make a map of your travels in the US or the world. And of course, if you do find yourself on the road and wish to express yourself, World66 will be happy to publish your writing {under the creative commons license}.
Richard and Douwe Osinga, the site's brain-children say this: “…we think that travelers are the most reliable source of information for other travelers.” Jack Kerouac would be sure proud of ya'll.