On a whim, I went looking for the word TIFFIN in Alexa.
Michael Quinion has this to say:
Tiffin is a word that perhaps more than any other evokes British India. It entered the language at the very beginning of the nineteenth century, perhaps because the fashion for eating dinner mid-afternoon was giving way to a main meal taken later in the day, requiring a lighter midday meal and a name for it.
We are just taking the first bend into the new year and it's perhaps a little early to engage in navel gazing. But in the past four months or so that this blog has been in existence, I have had the pleasure of getting to know several of you. Thanks to Kaushik Banerjee, some of my posts now also appear in a wonderful community called Living In India. Do check out the other writers who contribute to that site. You will be impressed.
Tiffinbox is light fare for those interested in South Asian photography, writing, design and art. If you have links, ideas, suggestions or know people and events please let me know. Send me a note at: tiffinbox {at} pipalproductions {dot} com.
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