Want quick and (sometimes) dirty digital prints? For free? Now, I got your attention, huh?
I stumbled across this site that lists all the different places where you can drop your files and receive free prints. The catch of course is you have to set up accounts in each one of them. Nothing is for really free is it? But would you do it for 365 free prints? I bet you would. Then I came upon PhotoFun. A 4″x6″ is a whopping 5 cents.
Well, there is another catch. Using these consumer level print houses for my clients would be a no-no for me. Why? Well, for one, I am not sure I will be able to match my monitor to each of their color profiles. It would be a very tedious exercise indeed. For now, and for my business, I will be using the two or three choice custom labs whose print quality and customer service is simply outstanding. For the snap shots that we inevitably create at home, the links above should suffice.