A few snapshots of our basement on April 2. Trust me, it's worse than it actually looks. We have had about four specialists swing by to give us quotes ranging from $1200 to $4200 to repair this thing. Enjoy!

JournalismNext.com is a fantastic source for jobs in the field of journalism. Founder Eric Wee is at just about every journalism convention in the country, urging students and mid-career level journallists to submit their resumes online for free. You simply never know if someone is looking for your skill set. It can be a win-win situation for all.
If you do fill out the online application, please mention that Tiffinbox sent you. I get nothing out of it other than the thrill of knowing that you have found a safe, challenging and happy position at a publication of your choice.
“I just wanted to share the good news, that many of you already know, with everyone — Blueeyes Magazine received 7 awards in the 2005 NPPA Best of Photography awards web division, damn near sweeping the news, features, and sports categories, and also winning the overall Best Photo Story on the web award against the entire field of big bad media outlets for the special collaborative group project ‘Haiti Turns 200.' I'm flattered by the news, and view the entire thing as a reflection of the amazing work that I've been so honored to help share with a lot of others out there looking for great story telling and seeing.”
Congratulations to Blueeyes Magazine editor John Loomis!
Well, actually calling all photojournalists to submit work created in 2004 for the 2005 SAJA Photoforum to be held during the SAJA convention. The convention and job fair will be held from June 16 through 19, at Columbia University.
I am coordinating the photo exhibit and will play judge for the photo awards. Other judges will be announced shortly. Please download the PDF for instructions on how to submit your work [content & quality], what will be considered for the show and the annual photo awards. The deadline for this is April 18.
Please note that print and broadcast journalists with submissions your postmark deadline was today!
My friend Kiran, an actor in Hollywood says: “I will be on two episodes of “24” in the next couple of weeks.
It looks like I will be on the 4/18 and 4/25 episodes, but there is a small chance you may see me in tonight’s as well. While I don’t have an accent, I do get to carry a gun!”
Posting here this week has been spotty for a very good reason. After the desi bloggers gathering in Manhattan on April 2, I returned home to do battle with a very leaky basement. Though we weren't “flooded” in the traditional South Asian sense [my mother reminds me of the 1962 flood she experienced in Pune], the 60 gallons of water we vacuumed out in the middle of the night was disconcerting. Just as I vacuumed the floor a fresh supply of water seeped through making our efforts really pointless.
So, the routine for the past week has been to get up in time to call a basement specialist [imagine there is a guy who calls himself Mr. Basement], set up an appointment, wait around for him [it's always a guy] to come in to check the basement out and to give us an estimate. Prices for a sump system have ranged from $1200 to $4200. If it will save us from using a wet/dry vacuum every other rainy week this season, it will be money well spent. So, anyway, that's just the head's up on what's going on here. There are other things in the mix, things that are wee bit private and I would like to leave it that way for now. It's all good, though. Those who made it to the blogger's meetup know what I am talking about.
Back to the bloggers gathering – I will post more about that on Monday, with some photographs. [Yes, Stan, if you are reading this, I was able to “salvage” the images from a very faulty compact flash card – more on this real soon, I promise.]
Chicago-based Pixel Genius which is well known for creating Photoshop plug-ins has launched an incredible blog called PhotoshopNews.
Heather Champ and Derek Powazek say that JPG Magazine is open again for submissions. The theme this time around is “Fabulous.” Interpret that word visually and submit your work. It will be considered for the third issue of the magazine. The first issue's theme was ORIGIN. The second theme, currently under production, is LOST.
Rishi Singhal's MFA Exhibition called Condition of Urbanity opens on April 10. The reception is from 3 to 5 pm. You will have to make it to Syracuse University to see the show. It will be held at the Joe & Emily Lowe Art Gallery in the Shaffer Art Building.
Via Jason Kottke
“They called attention to the price per pound… and that this was a supermarket, not a pet store… but I wasn’t swayed.”
A literal, but very wonky series of images of a guy who decides to buy a fish in Chinatown and then releases it in the East River.