Contemporary artist and photographer Ram Rahman will present the Herwitz 100 lecture in NYC on July 28 from 6.30 to 8 p.m. at Gallery ArtsIndia. The topic will be “Photography and New Media in the Indian Art Scene – The 90's.” Admission is free.
Ram Rahman, photographer and curator, will talk about his friendship with the Herwitzes and their love for Indian art. He will also discuss the Herwitzes contribution to bringing Contemporary Indian art to a larger Western audience and how photography and new media – video, performance, installation – have become a major part of the contemporary art scene in India, particularly amongst the younger generation artists. While putting his own photography in context, Ram will talk about his contemporaries and their work.
There has been a sea-change in the kind of work which is now being shown in galleries and alternative spaces across India in the last decade as artists gain access to technologies not easily available until very recently. Ram will also talk about collecting art and shifting trends that reflect the emerging trends.
Ram Rahman studied Physics, Photography and Design in MIT and Yale in the 70's. For the past 25 years, he has divided his time between his loft in the Fulton Fish Market and his family flat in Civil Lines, Delhi. He has shown his photographs in individual and group shows in India and around the world. He is also a founding member of SAHMAT, the Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust in New Delhi, which has been a leader in the resistance to communal and sectarian forces in India through its public cultural action and represents a very wide spectrum of the creative community.
Here is the address for the venue:
Gallery ArtsIndia,
206 Fifth Avenue
(between 25th and 26th Streets)
5th Floor, New York, NY 10010.
Phone 212-725-6092