Via Eightlinks and Wired magazine:
“Tarnation may be the first feature-length film edited entirely on iMovie, and it cost $218.32 in videotape and materials.”
To me, this redefines the expression shoe-string.
“The film also includes more than 200 photos culled from [Jonathan] Caouette's huge archive. Unable to afford to scan the photos, Caouette tacked the images to a white wall and filmed them.”
So much can be created with so little. All it took Caouette was a Macintosh, the freebie editing software – iMovie and videotapes. And yeah, a whole lot of inspiration and motivation, too.
But, not everyone has to or can work in the same manner as Jonathan Caouette. If you dig hard enough in your own backyard, I am sure there are all sorts of funding opportunities.
Painful as Tarnation may be to watch (I haven't seen it yet), Caouette's resolve to get this film done has landed him at Sundance this year.
If you have $ 220 chilling in your pocket, what do you intend doing with it? Top 5 creative responses will be published here on Tiffinbox. Email me at: tiffinbox{at}pipalproductions{dot}com.
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