I have the following lens for sale/auction on Ebay.com.

Click here to bid on it now. Auction ends in 18 hours … tick, tock, tick, tock!
UPDATE: This lens has been sold!
It's a Fall cleanup of sorts. I need to get rid of a few things – computer equipment and camera gear. If you are interested, check out these links to my recent EBay auctions. If you bid and win the item(s), I'll send you an official TIFFINBOX t-shirt as well. Here ya go:
Nikon 300 f/4.0[Update: SOLD!]
Apple G4 PowerBook [Update: SOLD!]
Apple iPod 3rd Generation[Update: SOLD!]
Rolleiflex 2.8 GX
F100, #1
F100, #2
If you haven't noticed, I haven't posted anything here for over a week. It has been rough. My father, who is visiting us, took ill and we have had numerous trips to the hospital. He is on the mend now. It's been busy at work as well. Plus, I am not in the habit of posting just anything here. If it isn't really interesting to me, it is a safe bet your interest won't be piqued by it either. There is already so much junk on the Internet anyway, why clutter it up even more and waste your time.
Well, I am going to make some real effort to finish the Kaaya series this next week. There are some controversial images coming up; ones that will make you wonder if viewing this at work is wise, so I am going to tuck them into the extended section of the post. Click on the link at your own risk. I assure you it is not pornographic, just graphic.
Having said that, let me get back to the projects I have at hand. One of which is a blog about wedding photojournalism. I'll let you know what the URL is in a few days. Will launch on my 37th birthday [on August 23]. I also want to report here that I am having way too much fun with my new digital camera, the Nikon D70s. While I still gripe about it missing a vertical battery grip for shooting portraits, the camera performs satisfactorily. My true test of the machines (yes, I am about to buy another) is if can produce work for a wedding I am photograhing in Los Angeles at the tail end of this month. This will be my first all-digital wedding. I am a bit nervous, but the process of photography is about stepping off the curb and into high traffic to see if one can survive. This will be just another test. I am mucking about now with the machine to get used to all its various bells and whistles and trust me, there is more here than there was on my F-100s.
I am selling my Nikon Coolpix 4500 for $200. First person to respond and pay me [Paypal possible] will get that camera and a 192mb compact flash card, along with a couple of rechargeable batteries and a battery charger. Shipping included. Email me at tiffinbox [at] pipalproductions [dot] com. The Coolpix has served me very well. I paid $645 about two years ago. It's a 4 megapixel camera that swivels [very cool!]. The picture you see below was shot with it. So, the quality is there.
It is with great reluctance I placed my Leica M6 and Leica 28mm lens up for auction on eBay.com today. Spring cleaning hurts!
Here they are:
My priorities may have shifted a bit too. I am more interested in replacing my trusty but rusty Powerbook that has served me well for about four years now. Time to get a G5 desktop and a high end digital camera that will come to some use as I start to photograph more weddings.
If you bid for these items and win, send me a note saying you won the item(s) and you are subscriber to this site – Tiffinbox. [I will check the Bloglet roster for your email address] In return, I'll scratch the shipping and insurance costs off for ya. Good luck bidding!