Let me guess. You spend at a minimum a $1.50 for a cup of coffee every day. If tea is your thing, I am still probably not too far off the mark. Even if you make your beverage of choice at home, your cost is probably around the 50 cent range. Am I right?
What would you say if I told you that you can learn to market your photography on 42 cents a day.
Yup! You read that right.
Now, I don't know about you, but when times are tough, I don't stop thinking of ways to get the word out. I do just the opposite. I obsess about the many ways I can let people know about my growing businesses – photographing business executives and relaxed portraits of couples and families in Connecticut.

Alicia Caine | Served Up Fresh
When Alicia Caine (that's her on the left) at Served Up Fresh wrote to me and said she was working on a new guide that had everything to do with marketing for photographers, I couldn't wait to check it out. She actually made it rather easy for me to get a sneak peek at what she was about to launch. You can sign up here, to get a free chapter download link, too.
Alicia has a proven track record for producing useful guide books for photographers. You may have heard of her Easy As Pie pricing guide. Or, her Happy Place Business Plan. Each has been meticulously researched and elegantly designed. Her expertise comes from working as a photographer. Like you and I, she looked for and found a way to support a growing family, offering portraits in an area that was remote and economically hard-pressed. That should be enough inspiration (it is for me) for you to see how she was able to succeed in establishing a thriving photography business.
I am sure there was a lot of hard work. But that goes without saying. What is rarely mentioned in success stories like Alicia's is her marketing chutzpah. She is proactive at establishing local business relationships that constantly refer her work. She calls it “relational marketing.” And, I wanted to know more.
I was curious to how she set things up. What did she do or say to arrange for those meetings to take place? How did she approach them? What was her offer? How did she go about define who she was going to serve? How did set up her email marketing campaign? What changes did she make to her website to make it so attractive that clients had to book her portrait sessions?
You see where I am going with this?
I just had a lot of questions and this guide book – Piece of Cake – is a loud and welcome response to each of those queries and more. Like her previous guide books, this one isn't just an information dump. That kind of an e-book, in my opinion should be a thing of the past because it doesn't add any value. No, Piece of Cake is a whopping 108 pages, with seven worksheets that guide you from one section to the next.
I found myself reading, taking notes and then working through the questions in the worksheet. And no, I am not done going through them all yet.
Friends, Alicia is clear on one thing: this isn't a one-size fits all type of solution. I suspect, that's why the worksheets are important. The answers you arrive at after completing each one will empower you to approach your marketing in your own way. You don't have to copy what your competition is doing. In fact, what you do will be so unique and distinctive that it will be hard to be copied by your peers in the same market.
Now, who doesn't want that, right?
Full disclosure time: I invested in this guide. That's right. I paid full price for it because I believe it will help my businesses. And because Piece of Cake not only meets but exceeds my expectations, I have chosen to promote it here as an affiliate. I make a small commission that helps support this website, when you buy the guide book using one of the links in this post. So, if you feel you will benefit in getting clear on how relationship marketing can help your photography business, please buy this guide now.
You bet there is a time limited offer – from now through March 26th, Piece of Cake is only $169. After that date, the price is going to increase to $349. It should be fairly clear to you that if you act quickly, you save a bundle. In fact, I suggest you invest that $180 you will save by taking a few people in your town or city out to lunch, or a cup of coffee. Getting to know other business owners in your zip code is key to making your own business grow.
After you have had a chance to read and act on the ideas and suggestions in this guide book, please come back here and let us know how you fared. Tell us what you put into action and what the results were.
So, here's to your business growth in 2013 through relationship marketing!
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