I want this iconic image signed and framed. Anybody want to pass the hat around? It's only $4675.
BoxCloud – “an easy way to share files with clients and coworkers”
Hand-picked Photoshop Tutorial – these are freakin' awesome [via Smashing magazine]
Lighting with remotes – David Miralle, sports shooter extrordinaire explains how he can get two different images of the same scene by triggering remote cameras and lights. [Via SportsShooter]
Shelfari – create a virtual book shelf and share it with our friends. Oprah, watch out!
Learn Hindi from Bollywood movies [I am a wee bit skeptical about this, but whatever floats your boat]
NBC launched “world blog” but I think it is just much of the same perspective we get out of the network at 6 pm everyday. I'll be watching this blog to see if they really depart from the same old-same old stuff.
Just checked out the Photoshop Tutorials link and while that will be useful, I must say that the Smashing Mag is awesome. I had never been to it previously. Thanks.
Just checked out the Photoshop Tutorials link and while that will be useful, I must say that the Smashing Mag is awesome. I had never been to it previously. Thanks.