Via Radhika Singh
Breakthrough presents:
A performance celebrating Mary Anne Mohanraj's debut book, BODIES IN MOTION.
Marian Yalini Thambynaygam and Varuni Tiruchelvam incorporate theater, spoken word, song, dance, and music to dynamically explore issues within the Sri Lankan Tamil community–war, detention, the tsunami, etc.–using gender and sexuality as a lens. The journey they take us on is rife with profound questioning, moments of loss, and a resurgence of hope and love. Thambynayaygam and Tiruchelvam collaborate with Mohanraj to create a powerful performance to the text of ‘Bodies in Motion'.
September 9, 2005, 7:30 pm
The Listening Room @ Caffe Vivaldi
32 Jones St. (off Bleecker st. near 7th ave)
Suggested Donation: $5