“Forget about perfect lenses, accurate viewfinders and electronic shutters. In fact, forget about the cameras you are used to and discover the world of pinhole cameras. A world of creative freedom, imagination and experimentation which alters our view of reality. You simply won't find a more natural and more magical way to take photographs.”
This may be a far cry from photojournalism, but if you wanted to do something totally left-brain, this is it; construct your own pin-hole camera and go to town.
David Balihar's web site about pinhole photography is a recent find and one worth exploring. Geeks are welcome to try this out too. Balihar offers PC/Windows users a Windows-based program called Pinholedesigner that takes this activity from the left-brain to the right-brain. The program figures out how long your shutter speed needs to be if your pinhole is of a particular aperture. It also figures out the optimal diameter of the pinhole itslef. Pretty slick. For us Mac OS X users, try this program.
And apparently Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day falls on the last Sunday in April. This year it fell on April 24, my son's birthday. Nice to see Rohan already associated with the oldest form of photography. I can't wait to construct a pinhole camera with him out of a Quaker Oats box.
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