Posting here this week has been spotty for a very good reason. After the desi bloggers gathering in Manhattan on April 2, I returned home to do battle with a very leaky basement. Though we weren't “flooded” in the traditional South Asian sense [my mother reminds me of the 1962 flood she experienced in Pune], the 60 gallons of water we vacuumed out in the middle of the night was disconcerting. Just as I vacuumed the floor a fresh supply of water seeped through making our efforts really pointless.
So, the routine for the past week has been to get up in time to call a basement specialist [imagine there is a guy who calls himself Mr. Basement], set up an appointment, wait around for him [it's always a guy] to come in to check the basement out and to give us an estimate. Prices for a sump system have ranged from $1200 to $4200. If it will save us from using a wet/dry vacuum every other rainy week this season, it will be money well spent. So, anyway, that's just the head's up on what's going on here. There are other things in the mix, things that are wee bit private and I would like to leave it that way for now. It's all good, though. Those who made it to the blogger's meetup know what I am talking about.
Back to the bloggers gathering – I will post more about that on Monday, with some photographs. [Yes, Stan, if you are reading this, I was able to “salvage” the images from a very faulty compact flash card – more on this real soon, I promise.]
Eagerly waiting for the pictures from the bloggers meet.
Eagerly waiting for the pictures from the bloggers meet.