I posted the sales link to Salesographer on Facebook a few days ago and one photographer who took me up on it said this:
Hi Seshu, I followed your link to Salesographer. Bought it and really like his straight forward approach to pricing and sales!
You are probably wondering what Salesographer is all about. Fair question!
“Salesographer is a pricing and profit-boosting sales strategy for photographers lacking the cash flow mojo. You will learn pure, not-from-concentrate sales & pricing education that will take you step-by-step on how to price, present, and sell your photography, without feeling like a salesman.”
Yep, that's straight from the Salesographer website. I couldn't say it any more simply so I figured I would just quote from it.
This guide and set of step-by-step helpful videos were initially produced by Spencer Boerup (who went on to become the genius behind MagMod). Chris and Adrienne Scott, the folks behind the incredible Preveal iPad application bought Salesographer a few months ago from Spencer, as it complements their original mission to empower wedding and portrait photographers make a sustainable living through tools, applications and now resources.
One photographer asked me: “Have you used this Seshu? Did it change your business dramatically?”
Again, a fair question. Whether Salesographer is $74 (as it will be till April 28th, Monday evening) or $349, when it was first offered by Spencer, one absolutely needs to know whether a product, service or resource is going to help our bottom line.
So here is my response to that photographer:
“Yes, I have used it. I have adapted a great many of the steps included in this guide to make it my own process. In my experience, there is no cookie-cutter solution out there. One absolutely must adapt it one's unique business condition. What Salesographer does is give you a great foundation to begin to do just that. Also, I wouldn't be promoting it if I didn't believe strongly in this resource for photographers.”
My recommendation? Buy it before Monday and save some money. Read the guide. Watch the videos. Take notes. Put it all into action and then make a decision. If you are actively working as a photographer, you shouldn't have any trouble seeing whether this works for you or not. The Scotts are also offering a 30-day money back guarantee.
When you buy Salesographer now you'll receive:
All this for $74? I think that's an incredible deal that you can't afford to pass up.
Give it a shot before April 28th because I know you are a savvy photographer who seizes opportunities like this to run your business.
If you have any questions, please holler below. I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability or ask Chris Scott to chime in. How does that sound to you?
Thanks for the writeup, Seshu!