I am kicking myself. Hard.
Why? Well, I went on a social media spree and posted about a webinar series I am co-hosting with Angela Pointon, called Swift Kick: Four Things Every Photographer Should Know About Business. Those who follow me on my Twitter and Facebook saw the posts and signed up quickly.
But I didn't really get you guys involved until … now. I am so sorry!
Well, the good news is, there is still time to register for the webinar series that will expose you to the marketing fundamentals most photographers miss.
I am sure you are curious what the webinar series is going to address and how it will help you. Let me tell you a story and I promise to keep it short.
After graduating from journalism school, with a strong emphasis in photography, I thought I was ready to take on the world and offer my photography services to anyone who asked me to photograph them or their event. Sad truth was unless I opened my mouth and told people that I was a photojournalist, no one really knew what I did for a living.
That's the case even today, except I am much better at marketing myself.
As I have already mentioned I have a fairly strong presence on both Twitter and Facebook (and I am exploring Google+). But that's really only online. What about off-line marketing, otherwise known as good ole' networking? I recently signed up to become a member of a local BNI chapter. I expect to renew my local chamber of commerce membership. I am joining other groups where members refer clients back and forth.
All that's great, but even those forays require some structure.
Angela Pointon, with whom I am co-hosting these webinars suggests that we begin by acknowledging our gut instinct. If a certain connection feels right to you, go for it. You really need to listen to what she has to say about this (and this first webinar is free).
The next webinar, with Tamara Lackey as our guest, will delve into the topic of “Discipline.” Without discipline, I am finding rather quickly, one's focus can get distracted. (on October 3, 2012, 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm … that's TODAY folks!)
Rosh Sillars, based in Detroit, Michigan, comes on board to talk about “Branding” (which hopefully we all know means how our business is perceived or thought-about rather than the existence of a logo. (on October 17, 2012, 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm EST)
Lastly, Skip Cohen, a marketing maven in the photography industry joins us to talk about having the “Right Tools,” to market our business. (on November 7, 2012, 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm EST)
Details about each of these sessions can be found here. If you are getting your business off the ground or you have been at it for a few years and want to know more, register for ALL FOUR sessions for just $25 now.
As an added incentive, ProDPI, Fundy Software, Song Freedom, Photocrati, ThinkTank Bags and Sticky Albums have all come on board as sponsors and have some exciting prizes that they are giving away.
ProDPI is giving away a 20″x30″ canvas per webinar.
Fundy Software is giving away Action Hub (a $79 value) to those who enter their email address into a special form which also enters you to win the Total Studio Pack (valued at $499).
Song Freedom is giving away one license for a song on their site, per webinar.
Photocrati is giving away one WordPress theme per webinar.
ThinkTank Bags is giving away one SlingShot 20 bag per webinar.
Sticky Albums has a special code to receive $30 off of their annual plan.
When you register for all the remaining webinars, you'll receive all the recordings PLUS you have at least three chances to win one of the prizes mentioned above.
So, what are you waiting for? Register now.