Beginning today, I invite all of you to submit an image (.jpg, 72 dpi, no larger than 300 pixels wide and no larger than 80 kilobytes) or a URL (web link) that showcases your recently published work (as long as it falls in the following categories: photography, art, design or writing).
I call this section TOOT! for a reason. It's your space for bragging rights, to toot your horn. Send me an image or a link to the following email address: tiffinbox{at}pipalproductions{dot}com.
And since this is my site, I'll go first – the image you see below appears in this week's India Today (January 19, 2004). I shot it in Brooklyn Heights, NY, for a feature on overseas born Indians. Special thanks to Anil Padmanabhan of India Today (akin to Time or Newsweek and published in India) for making it all possible.

When submitting your work, please comply by these simple rules: The obscene and vulgar will get shot down and the downright offensive or pornographic will get you banned. So please do the right thing and keep it clean. Copyright will ALWAYS remain that of the creator – you (assuming you aren't swiping it from somewhere and calling it yours) – not me.
With your submission provide your name, a valid email address and a telephone number. If you email me without this information, I'll have to delete it. Spammers and thrill-seekers need not apply. This is fun but also serious business. I think a lot of us just don't get our due in the limelight. Help me get the word out about our small achievements. Let's do this together!
I'll pick and choose the ones that are appropriate for this site. If your work is South Asia specific, you are that much ahead of the game. If you have any questions, email me. Spread the word and good luck!
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