My friend Kiran Rao will be on the season premiere of the hit WB show Charmed. Set your VCR's or your TiVo's and watch it.
Back on August 14, I wrote that I was on assignment for India Today.
“It is likely to be another cover image but I am not terribly sure till I actually see it. The journalism business is sure fickle and things can change at the drop of a hat. I can't say much more about who or where I was as things are still under wraps. But it was a thrill nonetheless. I'll reveal all in a few days.”
Well, chalk one up for gut feeling. I was expecting the image you see below to appear on the cover of India Today's international edition, but that was not to be the case. Technical snafus, lack of storage space, differences in time between here and India were all contributing factors. The folks in Delhi decided to publish a production still on the cover. Sigh!
Thankfully, two images of I produced of Mira Nair managed to make it inside the magazine. So, when you get the chance check out the August 30, 2004 issue of India Today.
Testing a program called SWFn'SLIDE by Vertical Moon. The slide show you see above is the result of some heavy tweaking. The images themselves need to be rescanned. Do you all see the slide show? Are the transitions smooth? Would you like to see more of these slide shows?
Check out this week's issue of India Today. The International Editon's cover, which I shot recently, bears an image of Yoga teacher and performance artist Vennila Kain.
Tiffinbox continues to accept your writing, photography, art or design projects that have been published in a magazine or newspaper. We'll also accept links to work on nationally or internationally known web sites. Why? It's simply a way for us to share in our collective successes, to inspire and motivate each other as we embark on a creative journey. It's also an opportunity for people who visit this site to explore the latent talent in a diverse group of people. Please contact me at tiffinbox{at}pipalproductions{dot}com and include your name, email address, telephone number and of course, a brief description of your submission.
I have a very small part on a show called “Threat Matrix” on ABC. I think it's at 8:00pm in most time zones. Have a look if you feel like watching me speak in another language and take three shots to the chest!
The show will be broadcast TONIGHT!